In the midst of the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Carolina Fintech Hub (CFH) began the 3rd Cohort of the Workforce Investment Network (WIN) program entirely virtually. Although there were recognizable obstacles, this Cohort experienced a truly remarkable first–a 100% graduation rate.
The best way to truly understand the impact of the program is to meet the graduates and hear their stories. Let’s meet two of them now:
(Note: Nicholas Harrison is also a graduate of our YTAC program for any high school students interested in similar STEM opportunities.)
Though these are only two of the 36 graduates of Cohort 3, their peers share similar stories–full-time parents attempting to re-enter the workforce (some even receiving their first pay-check ever), individuals experiencing unforeseen circumstances brought about by COVID-19, and many others striving for a stable career while overcoming different hardships. The charts below provide insight into this diverse group of technologists whose determination and grit catapulted them from uncertainty to success in a promising career.

Figure1: A demographic overview of the participants of the WIN program
Participants were paid roughly $18/hr to work, learn, and collaborate virtually (due to COVID-19 there were no in-person opportunities, although moving forward we will host a physical office location). Despite the difficulties of being apart, they were able to find a sense of community among one another and make lifelong friendships. Challenges were met head-on and they became the first cohort to have all participants who began the program also successfully finish the program. Truly remarkable. Not only that, Cohort 3’s diversity was staggering with the highest percentage of females and people of color compared to previous Cohorts, allowing us to introduce more diverse voices into the fintech workforce.
So what comes next for these graduates? This hard-working group of individuals transitioned into full-time positions within technology at Bank of America, Truist, Ally, Lowes, Wells Fargo, US Bank, Coca-Cola Consolidated, Live Oak Bank, Barings and nCino. Graduates all started with a base salary of $55,000, but most are expected to be making over six figures in less than three years.
We have been privileged to work with and assist this group to achieve their goals for a promising future. Without people like them, none of this would be possible and we are confident that they will be successful in their journey while also building on the legacy of their peers from previous Cohorts.
If you are interested in applying for Cohort 4, go to or see below for more information.
About the WIN program…
Most have become vastly aware, especially in today’s climate, that college is a luxury and certainly not for everyone.
For some students, a university makes sense — they have the financial means, it is their ambition, and they are successful in their pursuits, but for a vast majority, this is simply not the case. The reality is that most students leave these institutions with crippling debt, limited job opportunities, and a degree with decreasing value.
Say that you either didn’t go to college, or you did, but still don’t have the skills to get the job you want, what do you do? There’s a shortage of “good jobs”, right? This is actually not the case. Interestingly enough, businesses also have an issue finding talented people who can successfully fill these high-growth positions in coding and technology.
The reality is, people want to work and companies want to hire them; however, there is currently a gap in training and preparing these candidates for success. This is where Carolina Fintech Hub steps in.
The Workforce Investment Network (WIN) program uses an intensive 24-week training period where students learn to code, grow their soft skills, and receive on-the-job training at one of our hiring partners, all while getting paid (~$18/hr)! At the end of the program, if students satisfy all the criteria for graduation and complete the program, they will then be transitioned into a full-time position with one of our partners — Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Ally, Truist, Lowe’s, and many more!
Our mission is to provide three things:
- Produce upward mobility opportunities for economically distressed communities
- Combat the perceived lack of talent in technology within the region
- Increase the number of minorities pursuing careers in technology
Although the program’s expected outcomes are socially positive ones, our team at CFH and its sponsors do not view the WIN program as a charity. Simply put, this program fills a business need while also helping the community. A true win-win.
Visit to find out more details and learn how to apply for consideration into the program. For more information about the program, please contact or plan to attend an upcoming information session.